Tuesday, June 9, 2009


No we did not fall of the face of the earth. For some reason my life is not slowing down at all! Well any day now summer will begin. The rain has been kind of nice. I have been getting ready for the dam marathon. I am running the 5K with some friends. Yesterday I ended up running 8 miles. That is more than 3 I realize. But for the first time in my life I actually felt good. I think all the stress in my life is adding up lately and running helps me clear my head. I was volunteered to be in charge of the Madison county Whoopee days rodeo queen contest. This has been a large undertaking. I still have no idea what I am doing. I hope it all comes together. So if you know anyone interested let me know! The girls are crazy! With school being out our schedule is blown. They are not going to bed until 10 or 11 and it is very hard to wake them up when I have to go to work! June is shaping up to be a busy month. I just wish there was more time to play! Soon I hope. I am frustrated lastely with the mom always being the mean one. My girls think the sun revolves around their dad. Anyone else feel this way? I feel like the wicked witch of my house. But someone has to make them go to bed, clean their room, and take a bath. The Dam Marathon is Saturday and I am looking forward to that!


The Cooks said...

Im excited for you to run that! You made a goal and are accomplishing it. More than I can say, i'll get there though! Soon we will be running marathons together right!? Miss and love ya, we will come home soon..

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sounds like a fun run. I wish I would have gotten it together to pull it off.
You are way too busy, you need to slow yourself down!!!!

Oh, I'm looking for someone on the 20th of June and the 23rd of all of your spare time.

Lici said...

You are wonder woman!!! I don't know how you do everything that you do. AMAZING! I know how you feel about being the wicked witch of the house. I guess it just comes with being the mom. Hang in there!

MZ said...

Good luck on the run. Makes us proud.