Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twas 2 days before xmas

Well only 2 days until xmas and I am almost done shopping. We had a great weekend. We had parties 3 nights in a row. My ward party went great. Things really came together and we had a good time. Saturday night we had my mom's whole family over to her house for our anual xmas party. It was so much fun! All of my cousins made it but two. The little kids had so much fun running around the house and tearing things apart. The great grandkids acted out the nativity as my grandpa read the story of Jesus's birth out of the Bible. It is so nice to read the story and help the kids (and the adults) remember why we have xmas. It was great. Then on Sunday we had our family party with my siblings. Andrea and Brad are headed to Canada today and Rachel and TY went back to Utah on sunday. We had a great time together. It makes me think back to xmas when I was little and how different it is now, yet sometimes we still feel like little kids. It is never easy not having your family on xmas but I guess we have to share them with their in-laws too. I am loving the snow we are getting. If it is going to winter we might as well have 6 feet of snow. Well I wish everyone a safe and happy holidays. I feel lucky to have each one of you in my life!!


MZ said...

Maybe we will get snowed in at work. On second thought lets not.

Ashley at flats to flip flops said...

Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

Brad and Ann said...

I miss you guys! We are also getting completely dumped on up here in the north pole. But the sun is shining and beautiful. Is Bailee making out okay from the procedure? Is she wishing that her tonsils would have stayed in? I hope you can continue to feel like you are on holiday for the rest of boxing week, despite being a nurse at home. Sorry that I will miss your birthday! I hope that you do something truly fun to bring in the year. We love you, miss you, bye~