Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We went boating last saturday to end our boating days for the summer. We had a great time. The girls played in the water and tubed. Grandma and Grandpa ferney bought a surf board to try out. It is fun that my parents are not scared to try new things. They are still young at heart!! The weather was nice and there were not as many boats as I thought there would be. Joe is in the midst of grain harvest and that has been all consuming for him. We get to see him in the mornings for a few minutes and that's about it. Bailee did the MHS cheer clinic last week and had a great time. The big news in our house this week is that ELLA IS FINALLY POTTY TRAINED!!! HALLELUJAH!! That was a much more difficult task than I had anticipated. But we finally got it done. Otherwise we are trying to get a schedule now that school has started. We have both dance and piano to work into our schedule for bailee this year. It looks to be a busy year!! The shoes in the pic are bailees new "twinkle toes" she had to have them.


Jen said...

Congratulations on the potty training! I'm not going to Boise; I've shortened my work schedule so much with all my morning sickness that it's hard to take extra time off. Have a good time.

MZ said...

Looks like a fun loving bunch of girls. I an sad that summer is about over.

Natalie said...

What cute, sparkly shoes for a darling little gal! Congrats on Ella being potty trained; that is a major accomplishment and I'm sure it's an even bigger relief for you. Amber and Karli keep begging me to let them play with Bailee and Ella; we'll have to get together again soon.

The Cooks said...

Yeah for Ella! I loved those shoes. I'm glad we finally found some. Yea you should have seen mom and dad when we took them surfin here. They loved it! Dad couldn't get enough!

Brad and Ann said...

Logan LOVES Bailee's new digs. Seriously, I am not too pleased with sketchers heavy marketing these days. If I have to look up "luminators" or "nollies" one more time, I will flip! Logan is totally fixated on these $52 pair of shoes that he is NOT getting. Please give Ella a kiss for me.