Monday, September 22, 2008

A much needed getaway

Well I got to go to Boise last week without kids. The point of the trip was to attend the Nurse
Practitioners of Idaho conference. It was a great conference. Lots of good material and it was neat to meet a lot of the other NP's across the state. I also got to see my best friend Mandy who has been in phoenix the last 3 years. She bought a new house so I got to see that too. We met with some of my friends from Boise that I went to NP school with at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. That was the highlight of the trip. We had a great time talking about our new careers, trials, and how nice it is to be done with school. Overall a much needed break away from my wonderful kids. Our house is coming along. I guess they have the roof on. I haven't been up there for about a week so I will get some more pics tomorrow and post later in the week. I have been missing all my friends in the ER lately. For some weird reason anywhere else I have gone I have not found as good of group of people as we have in the MMH ED. So all of you out there just remember when you are having the crappiest shift or pouring poop into the little containers just remember how lucky you are to have each other!!! There are good people at RMC too, don't get me wrong, but it is hard to be the new person. I am very greateful to get to work with Mary Z again. I always enjoyed her in the ED and now I get to see her at my new job. She is great. We have had the eternally long cold at our house. The girls have passed it between them since labor day. I am really sick of coughing and snotty noses. I can't believe christmas is going to be here very soon. I guess I better get shopping. I did do some shopping for me, I got a new phone. It is the blackberry curve. Let's just say it is another level of using a cell phone. I had to spend the first evening with the manual to even figure out how to set a ringtone and dial a number.


Jen said...

It is hard to be the new person...after a year at my job, I finally feel like one of the crew. Glad you got to get away for a little while.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Hey Nicole, glad you could get away. Sounds like you are way too busy. The house looks like it's coming along well. You'll be in before you know it.

PS I love your cute phone!

The Cooks said...

Bailee looks like a natural up there, and little Ella has a look in her eye like she just wants to rip that horses hair out.LOL They really are growing up to fast, they are beautiful girls! Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks. AND WE CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE TOMORROW!

Amber said...

I didn't know Boise had a Cheesecake Factory!!! Love the house, Love the phone, and i'm so glad you had such a good time in Boise. Its so nice to get away sometimes.

Ashton & Co. said...

Your house is coming along so great!

Only Girl said...

The house is gonna be great I got to go on a tour with Joe it is a great lay out. Also your gonna have a full time job keeping that thing clean. It just keeps growing. Its a great place to drive past and keep an eye on while im on my lunch hour. Now that grandpa is gone your house might have to be the 911 house for town!!! Good luck with that phone im still hanging up on people and texting people I dont mean too!!! Just ask Joe.

Lici said...

Looks like your house is coming along nicely. It looks like it will beautiful. You'll have to give us a tour when you move in. As for me going back to work, I started a job at Grand Teton Surgical Center in June. I work once a week, no weekends or holidays. A group of gastro doctors and eye doctors own it. So, I admit and recover patients having endo, colonoscopy, and eye procedures. How are you liking your job?

Anonymous said...

Looks like things are coming along! We miss you guys!