Monday, June 9, 2008

The first camping trip of the year

Well I think I can now say that we are true campers. We braved the wind and cold temperature this weekend and went camping. We were suppose to leave on Friday night but the wind made us decide we would wait unil the next morning to go. We do have a camper so we are a bit spoiled, but... We left Saturday around noon. We went with our fantastic neighbors the Andrus family. Trent, Darla, Keegan (8), AJ (5), and Spencer (3). We took 4 wheelers and motor bikes for something else to do. When we got up there we had lunch and then decided we would head off on the wheelers for a ride. We wanted to see how far we could get until we saw snow. Well we didn't know how ironic that would be. We got off down the trail okay. I must say that it is a lot harder packing a baby and trying to drive a 4wheeler than I remember from last year. There was a lot of mud on the trails but they were not too bad. We got a few miles in and kept hitting a dead end, I guess Joe doesn't remember the trail as well as he thought. We then started to head up another trail when it started hailing. It was light at first, then it really started to come down. Then the hail turned to snow. It was snowing so hard we could barely see to get back to our camp spot. I guess we did get see some snow afterall!! After the storm settled down we cooked dinner. The weather was behaving a little better. The kids were having a good time riding the 4-wheelers around in this circular trail we had at camp. It is funny to remember how fun that use to be. My how simple life is when you are a kid. The boys went to shoot some skeet and the women stayed back at camp around the fire trying to keep the kids entertained and warm. I said a few weeks ago how lucky we have always been that we have never had anyone get hurt, well our luck ran out this trip. Spencer, Darla's youngest was playing with a stick and tripped and hurt his eye. I have to say being the ER nurse I am I still am not comfortable with eye injuries. I was just hoping there was not a stick poking out his eye. He cut the corner of his eyelid. After a trip to the ED he came back with 2 stitches and a story about the shots he got to get them. They had to sedate him so he wouldn't fight so much. Overall a fun, but cold camping trip. But when the kids get older they can remember this trip as the camping trip that is snowed!!


Anonymous said...

Hello!! My name is Olivia and I'm from Brazil.
I was looking at the and i saw those babies photos. they are so sweet!!
congratulations for the family.
I hope you can understand what i'm writting because my english is not so good, but i do my best.
kisses and congratulations for you!!

Jen said...

eeww...eye injuries are the worst!

Only Girl said...

oh man you are brave. i dont know if we camped ourselves out or what but i just could not even think of braving it. i bet darla was glad to have you around. in all the years we went it was not the kids who ended up in the ER it was the mom????

The Courtney Family said...

What a crazy campout! Spencer was a trooper in the ER. Hope the events following that were better.

Amber said...

I hope someday we can get a camper so that I will go camping, cuz Broc wants to go but I won't do tents (especially w/ kids) Oh and I love the princess hat on ya!

The Cooks said...

Those pics are too cute! I know im sad you guys aren't coming! It's crazy how you aren't sure what to do when you have time off. I also realize how much i miss you guys! At least its nothing like Arizon was. I get to see ya once a month! Can't wait till the 4th, I still get Ella right?
P.S Bailee, I miss you and love you! XOXOXOXXOXO still glad to know im the bestest aunt ever..

Ashton & Co. said...

Your girls are so cute! You are such a trooper to go camping in that weather!