Monday, August 25, 2008

Wow!! I guess I am a little behind on the blogging thing. We have had a lot happen in the last month. We had to move out of our house. That was very sad for us. We have been there for 6 years. We moved in with my parents. That is going pretty good. It is just hard for them to have little kids back in the house. We have been trying to "Ella proof" the house. I can't believe summer is over and we are back in school. Well I should say I am done and now it is bailees turn. She had a wonderfulf first day of school. She is liking the school part, but not the waking up early part. She is going to Lincoln and has Mrs. Barton. She is wonderful. We also had a wedding the second weekend in August. Rach and Ty got married. It was beautiful. It was at Red Butte Gardens in salt lake city. The girls were beautiful flower girls. We went to Lagoon while we were there. Bailee loved the roller coasters. I do have some advice for anyone who hasn't been there, don't take children that can't ride the rides. Ella was not much fun to take. She could not ride the rides and I forgot her stroller and had to pack her around for 7 hours. It was a long day and I was glad to get home. Our new house is finally taking shape. They are suppose to set trusses next week. I will keep the house updates coming and I'm sure I will need many opinions on house decisions.


Amber said...

Yeah! You updated your blog! HaHA I know you have been so busy though. Thanks for having us to the watch party, that was so fun! I want to have one. I'll have to think about doing that.

Ashton & Co. said...

COngrats to Rachel. She is a beautiful bride! We haven't done lagoon yet for that exact reason. Too many little onew who can't ride the rides!:) Glad to hear you got all moved out...I'm excited to see your new house! Yeah!

Jen said...

Oh, I can't even imagine packing Sam around for 7 hours, let alone Ella! Can't wait to see pics of the house.